BUSINESS 새로운 가치를 창조하는 강소기업 플루오르테크(주)

반도체 디스플레이사업부문

About the business division

With some of the world’s best technologies in the field of chemical or regular manufacturing facilities, the company goes beyond offering the value of chemical safety.

Department in charge Sales department
Business areas Semiconductors, displays, chemical plants, others (bio engineering, pharmaceuticals, secondary fuel cells, steel manufacturing, nuclear power, heavy industries)
About the business Drawing on a wealth of experience and advanced technological capabilities, the company has been active for a number of years in the specialized field of chemical tanks, offering tanks and vessels in various formats and specifications. Thanks to the excellent resistance to chemicals and heat, the non-adherent nature and cost efficiency, the products are widely used as highly clean chemical containers or piping in the semiconductor or plant industries.
Inquiries E-mail :
TEL : +82-54-473-4654

Technology and production capacity

Technological capabilities Technological design: Review of relevant laws and tank structures; ASME/CSEL, 2D/3D layout designs
Manufacturing process : Fluoropolymer (PTFE, N-PTFE, PFA) lining, electro-polishing, fluoropolymer coating, precision processing using fluoropolymer
Safety diagnosis: Inspection of thickness and any defects,  leak test (using spark, pressure, or mega test), measurement of the light intensity on the surface after electro-polishing
Product features Specific designs in accordance with the user’s requirements
  • Horizontal tank, Vessel tank, Drum tank, Mixing tank, Filter Housing
  • Heat Exchanger, Column, Tower
  • Water tank, Tank lorry & ISO container
  • Valve & Fitting
Production capacity
  • LINING TANK : Based on 1㎥ – 60 units/month
  • E. P TANK : Based on 1㎥ – 60 units/month
  • Maximum capacity that can be produced within the shop: 200㎥
