CSR 새로운 가치를 창조하는 강소기업 플루오르테크(주)


Management policies on environment, safety and health

Basic policies

Fluoro Tech Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of storage containers and precision detectors for highly concentrated chemical substances. As such, under the motto, “Without safety, there is no business”, managers at each level clarify the policies concerning environmental safety and make sure they are made familiar to all employees. This is done to have all employees participate in activities for and discussions on environmental safety.

  1. 01
    Industrial safety and health committee


  2. 02
    Emergency response training


  3. 03
    Health activities

    (smoking/obesity/alcohol clinic sessions, Comprehensive medical examination.)

  4. 04
    Safety activities

    (TBM/KYT + advanced discovery of potential risks)

Code of conduct and policies
  1. 01

    Managers shall think of their subordinates as family and take actions to promote safety at the workplace.

  2. 02

    Based on an environmental safety management system, we shall continuously improve the environmental safety management system.

  3. 03

    To prevent serious accidents, we will create a safe working environment by operating a safety management system centered on risk assessment that prevents risk factors in advance.

  4. 04

    To protect the employees from disaster and disease, we will prevent Safety and Health Activities to fall in Mannerism by keep updating them.

  5. 05

    We shall make efforts for appropriate management of chemical substances, reduction of the environmental load, prevention of pollution and conservation of energy.

  6. 06

    We shall at all times maintain an emergency response system to protect employees and local residents from external risk factors and maintain the continuity of the business.

  7. 07

    We shall comply with laws on environmental safety and other requirements.

  8. 08

    To ensure compliance with environmental safety policies, we shall request cooperation and understanding of all employees and partner companies, and communicate with stakeholders including the local community.

  9. 09

    To ensure supply-chain stability, we establish a mutual safety partnership by sharing and supporting safety management systems with business partners.

Safety management system

Safe management for improved safety, relief and trust

The company carries out continuous safety activities to become a corporation that brings “safety” to employees, “relief“ to local residents, and “trust“ to customers.

Environmental management system

Environmental management to reduce the environmental load

As a “corporate citizen”, we comply with environmental standards and consistently carry out environmental preservation activities that can reduce the environmental load that occur during manufacturing.

  1. 01
  2. 02
  3. 03
  4. 04
  1. Reduction in CO2 emissions

    (conservation of energy)

  2. Wise use of resources

    (3R activities: Recycle, Reuse, Reduce)

  3. Risk management

    (Operation of BCP)