CSR 새로운 가치를 창조하는 강소기업 플루오르테크(주)


Declaration on ethical management

Let’s become a reliable and respectable company through honest and transparent business management

All employees commit to practicing the following for ethical behavior and value judgment.

  1. 01

    Through healthy corporate activities, we contribute to the progress of the local community and aim to become a world-class corporation that contributes to the country and society.

  2. 02

    Based on honesty and diligence, we comply with basic principles, and remain professional by living up to our moral obligation and responsibility to establish a corporate culture that values integrity.

  3. 03

    The company respects its employees, and employees make efforts to become a resource to the company based on mutual trust and understanding.

  4. 04

    We value our customers, deliver on our promises to customers and strive to provide the best products and services.

Fluoro Tech Co., Ltd. welcome anyone to report on illegal requests, corrupt practices or other irregularities committed by its employees.

The information you provide will serve as a basis on which Fluoro Tech Co., Ltd. can conduct ethical business management.

Information that can be reported
  • Employees having received bribes or committed embezzlement
  • Employees having requested money or entertainment
  • Employees holding two jobs
  • Unfair handling of issues by an employee
  • Sexual harassment
  • Inappropriate use of the company’s assets or information, or ill-gotten gains
  • Pressuring partner companies or suppliers to accept unfair terms
  • Other cases in violation of the ethics code
How to report corrupt practices

Division in charge: Ethical management operations bureau

  • Phone+82-070-4033-5743/5770
  • E-mailethics@fluorotech.co.kr

※ Once a report is received, the company will process the case as soon as possible.
※ In principle, reports should be made in the individual’s real name. The identity of the individual will remain strictly confidential, and no information that can be used to extrapolate his/her identity shall be disclosed by the company.


Consent to the collection of personal data for the purposes of processing a report on violation of ethical management practices
1. Purpose of collecting personal data
- To prevent untrue or false reports
- To send updates via phone or email to the individual who had filed the report on how the case was processed.

2. Personal data items to be collected
- Essential items: Real name, mobile phone number, email, personal data contained in the details of the case being reported (including time, place and circumstances surrounding the incident, the company concerned, type of consultation. A file describing the details may be attached), IP address

3. Period during which the personal data are held or used
- Records concerning consumer complaints or disputes: Three years

4. The right to deny consent and disadvantages in the case of non-consent
Individuals who make a post reporting on violation of ethical management practices have the right to deny consent to the use of their personal data. However, such non-consent may lead to a restriction concerning the registration of the report, and any consultations or information that would otherwise be provided.
Reporting a case of violation of ethical conduct
Name (individual reporting the case) *
Phone *
Email * @
Details of the case *

※ Files of up to 10MB in the format of pdf, jpg, gif, or png may be attached. Other formats cannot be attached.